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We know how important it is to use a reliable courier company so your artwork arrives safe and sound.
At the Gallery we always use UPS for large paintings as they are reliable and deliver on time. UPS deliveries generally arrive within 48 hours of dispatch, and you can track your painting's progress online with your order and tracking number.
For large orders, delivery will be made by specialist courier, unboxed (but bubble-wrapped).
As with all orders, returns are no problem, but are at the customer's expense. The piece should be returned boxed, in original packing by the method of delivery, and must be fully insured in transit.
For smaller orders, we use Hermes 48 hour delivery, which is a signed for service.
It is always best to ensure someone is in to take receipt of the painting, as all services require a signature and to avoid the parcel being in transit for too long.
Special orders, some commissions and extra large pieces are often delivered by hand by us, to ensure perfect condition upon receipt.
As we want parcels in transit for short a time as possible, we do not courier on Thursdays and Fridays, to avoid paintings sitting in depots over the weekend. Paintings are generally wrapped and booked for transit the day after ordering (weekday orders).
During busy periods or Sale times, paintings may take up to 2 weeks to arrive, due to your order being in a queue for wrapping and dispatch.
If you require a specialist delivery service or extra fast delivery please email us to see if this is possible at:
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